
Authored by:Carlo Collodi
Chapter 1 / 2

Section 1

Geppetto, an impoverished elderly woodcarver, was diligently crafting a puppet using a branch from a tree. "You will be my little son," he declared to the puppet, "and I shall name you Pinocchio." Geppetto dedicated hours to his work, meticulously carving every intricate feature. However, when he reached the mouth, the puppet began contorting its face and making playful expressions at Geppetto. "Cease that mischievous behavior, you naughty boy," scolded Geppetto, "Put an end to it immediately!"

"I refuse to stop!" exclaimed Pinocchio defiantly.

"Indeed, I can talk!" exclaimed Geppetto in astonishment.

"Of course I can," replied the puppet with a playful tone. "You've bestowed upon me a mouth to speak with." Pinocchio stood up and danced on the tabletop. "Behold what I am capable of!" he exclaimed with excitement.

Geppetto provided a clarification to Pinocchio, stating, "Pinocchio, this is not the appropriate time for dancing." He emphasized the importance of getting a good night's rest, as the upcoming day would mark the beginning of Pinocchio's integration into the school environment with other real boys. Geppetto assured Pinocchio that his time at school would involve learning various subjects, including proper behavior and conduct.

As Pinocchio made his way to school the following morning, he couldn't resist the temptation to stop and watch a puppet show along the way.

Filled with confidence and a hint of boastfulness, Pinocchio declared, "I can dance and sing even better than those puppets, and I don't need any strings!" With his self-assurance, he boldly ascended onto the stage, eager to showcase his talents.

"Step away from my platform," the Puppet Master bellowed. However, as he observed the crowd's enthusiastic response to Pinocchio, he refrained from commenting and allowed Pinocchio to remain. "You have proven yourself worthy; accept these five copper coins," the Puppet Master informed Pinocchio.

"Accept these coins and make your way directly home," the Puppet Master instructed. Pinocchio complied, placing the coins into his sack.

Not long after, Pinocchio encountered a limping Fox and a sightless Cat. Aware of Pinocchio's possession of money, they deceitfully feigned friendship. "Join us. We shall impart the knowledge of transforming those copper coins into gold," enticed the cunning Cat.

"We are here to aid you in acquiring wealth. Bury your coins beneath this enchanted tree, and within a few hours, they shall be transformed into gold," proposed the Fox.

"Lead the way," exclaimed Pinocchio eagerly. The Cat and Fox directed him towards a patch of soil that appeared unsettled. Pinocchio enthusiastically dug a hole and placed the sack inside, carefully marking the spot with a stone.

"Marvelous!" exclaimed the Cat. "Now, let us make our way to the inn and indulge in a delightful supper." Following their meal, the Fox and Cat, who had been deceiving Pinocchio with their pretenses of lameness and blindness, swiftly slipped away, assuming the guise of thieves. Concealing themselves near the tree, they awaited Pinocchio's return to unearth the money. As soon as Pinocchio retrieved the coins, they pounced upon him, seizing the opportunity.

"Hand over your money!" they demanded. However, Pinocchio firmly gripped the sack between his teeth and adamantly refused to surrender it. Undeterred, they persisted, reiterating their demand, "Give us your money!"


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