Richard Guare

Richard Guare is a licensed school psychologist. He is recognized for his expertise in the areas of executive functioning, ADHD, and behavioral interventions. Dr. Guare has co-authored several books and research papers on these subjects, providing valuable insights and strategies for individuals, parents, educators, and professionals working with individuals with executive function challenges.

In collaboration with other experts such as Dr. Peg Dawson, Dr. Guare has co-authored influential books like “Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary ‘Executive Skills’ Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential.” Dr. Guare’s work has been instrumental in promoting evidence-based practices and interventions for individuals with executive function deficits. He has conducted workshops and training sessions for educators, psychologists, and other professionals to disseminate his research findings and provide practical tools to support individuals with executive functioning challenges.

Richard Guare